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YouTube Expands Community Posts to All Users

Is YouTube really a social network?

I mean, viewers can comment on clips, and there is a level of social interaction facilitated in the app. But really, it’s a video platform, first and foremost, with some social elements baked in.


Well, over the past year, YouTube’s been looking to make its platform a little more social, through the expansion of Community Posts, which enable channel managers to post text updates that are displayed in the “Community” tab on their channel, as well as in subscriber feeds.

YouTube Community Posts

And now, YouTube’s expanding Community Posts once again, with all channels set to be able to share social-like updates in the app.

As per YouTube:

“In the coming weeks, we’ll be rolling out access to Community Posts more broadly on YouTube. This builds on last year’s update which made posts available to all channels that were eligible for advanced features, regardless of subscriber count, and we expect this new expansion will help to foster deeper and more meaningful relationships between creators and their communities.”

As YouTube Notes, the feature was originally only available to channels that met certain audience thresholds, but YouTube lowered those requirements in May last year. And now, all channel managers will be able to use the feature.

Which could provide more ways to connect with your audience, and foster community via your YouTube presence. Indeed, over the past year, YouTube’s also added pollsquizzesdisappearing updates, and more, facilitating more ways to engage with viewers in the app.

YouTube says that it’ll take some time to roll out to all users, but the option is coming soon, if you don’t have it already.

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