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3 Blog Post Templates to Help Maximize Reach and Resonance [Infographic]

Struggling to pull together effective, engaging content?

You could turn to ChatGPT, which may help you to some degree, but the problem with generative AI content is that it’s derivative, i.e. it’s based on a range of other blog posts and articles that have already been published.

Which can work for formatting and structure, but when you’re creating material for your website, you really want it to be original and engaging, and more than your average example of web content.

If you’re looking to put together more effective posts, then this guide from SEMRush might help. The SEMRush team recently shared an overview of effective content structuring, including a range of detailed tips on exactly how to put together a blog post, in alignment with SEO and readability best practices.

It’s a handy overview of what you should include. You can check out some of SEMRush’s key tips in the graphic below, while there are more in-depth explainers on the SEMRush blog.

SEMRush blog post tips

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